Monday, November 12, 2012

Brooklyn Nets and their way of Product Concepts

The term product can be view in many different ways, but with this particular company the Brooklyn Nets its more of a persuasive promotion campaign, it can be both favorable and unfavorable. Sports fans, in this case basketball fans, are willing to purchase tickets to watch the product which are the players that make up the team, in exchange to enjoy a competitive game for a victory. This is an example of consumer product, which brings satisfaction to the consumer also known as the buyer of a personal wants. The Brooklyn Nets are part of a product mix that is associated with the NBA branding. They are one of many teams that offer clothing, jerseys, hats, headphones, wallpaper and etc. In other words the Brooklyn Nets are the product line because they are representing NBA. But this all occurs within itself, because of branding mark.

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